Psiquiatra infantil y perinatal, madre y activista
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  • Spanish


Listening to babies: a revolutionary act

Babies feel, listen, perceive, know, understand, are moved, express, communicate. Babies love. They give. Give smiles, caresses, gazes, babbles. They gift us. They move us.

Requiem for Aurora

Translated by Peter Hicks. At the beginning of this year, three months after giving birth to her second child, Aurora fell to the ground from

I birth, or you make me?

According to some sources, when a woman in Sparta (Ancient Greece) hadn’t gone into labour after nine months, other women would go to her house to

PTSD and obstetric violence

Originally Published in Midwifery Today Int Midwife. 2013 Spring;(105):48-9, 68 Childbirth can be a traumatic event for many women. Different studies have found a high

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